InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSEA Decade With My Head in the CloudsFrom Flash and .NET to CryptographyMar 31, 2024Mar 31, 2024
InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSEWOTS Up With Post Quantum Cryptography?Like it or not, due to the advancement of quantum computers, we are likely to say goodbye to all our existing public key methods, including…Nov 26, 2023Nov 26, 2023
InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSEHow Do You Encrypt With Elliptic Curves?Can you encrypt with elliptic curve methods? Ans: Not quite. Unlike RSA, you can’t just encrypt and decrypt using elliptic curves, and…Nov 24, 20231Nov 24, 20231
FuturistLensThe nature of cybersecurity in the futureInitially published in 2017, this article captures the essence of the forbidding challenges of cybersecurity—firewalls are porous, and…Jan 20, 2019Jan 20, 2019
InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSEKnowledge Commitments With PolynomialsDo you remember polynomials at school? I hope so because the world of privacy and security is built on these algebraic structures. They are…Oct 2, 2023Oct 2, 2023
InCodeXbyAnthony TodayNIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0: What’s Coming? This Is What You Need To Know About It!Get a deep understanding of the upcoming NIST CSF 2.0. As a cybersecurity expert, this is something you want to know.Oct 1, 20233Oct 1, 20233
InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSEMy Name is Holly, and I Break Into Computers For a LivingLike a magician with a sleight of handSep 15, 20234Sep 15, 20234
InOur LabNotes | SoluteLabsbyLikhitha KAuthentication and Authorization in Microservices ArchitectureThe architectural style for developing applications is known as microservices (or microservices architecture). When a microservices-based…Mar 10, 20232Mar 10, 20232
InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSENIZK (Non-interactive Zero Knowledge) Proofs of Discrete-log EqualityChaum-Pedersen proof using Golang and KryptologyJul 4, 2022Jul 4, 2022
alpha2phiNeovim for Beginners —Common Language ServersConfigure common language servers for daily coding.Jun 12, 2022Jun 12, 2022
InCodeXbyKesk -*-18 Selected Super-Useful Linux One-LinersFunctional, Practical, and some also extremely DangerousJun 11, 20226Jun 11, 20226
InASecuritySite: When Bob Met AlicebyProf Bill Buchanan OBE FRSEROR13 — And Its Linkage to API Calls within ModulesROR13 (rotate right 13) is not a cryptographic hash, but it can be used to take strings of any length, and convert them into an integer…Jun 11, 2022Jun 11, 2022